
Hey thanks for stopping by. This is a work in progress but I hope you find something of interest, if not be sure to check out the news feed at the bottom of the page so your time here is not a complete waste of time and effort. Thanks!

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Got it!

Got Wii Fit Plus last night! Only copy left in a 30 mile radius of here. Super stoked (<--- do people say that anymore?). Cant wait to try it out. Did not get a chance to use it last night as we had lots of cleaning to do. Brother and friend coming in from Virginia tomorrow! Im excited! More Later.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Procrastination will get me everytime

Ok so last night was not as smooth as I thought it would go. I procrastinated earlier in the week and it left me with a lot to do last night.  Left work a few minutes later than I thought I would, went to the grocery store, got stuck in traffic on the way home. Cooked dinner (Portabella mushroom burgers, baked sweet potato fries, and balsamic and Parmesan roasted cauliflower) which took longer than expected. Was tired and cold so took a bath then laid down to read on the bed and presto fell asleep. Procrastination strikes again. So basically no Wii Fit last night.

Tonight; however, is the night. Going to Walmart to get groceries and pick up the WII Fit while we are there. Not sure though if Ill get to play as my brother and friend are coming to spend the new years weekend with us and while arrive sometime tomorrow afternoon. I may try to squeeze a few minutes in tonight, however, it seems that we have a tone to do tonight. Apartment is not a disaster, but considering it was so neat and clean before I got back from the Christmas holiday I feel like Ill be cleaning the rest of the evening. So Wish me luck!

Oh, I have managed to eat breakfast and drink a bottle of water today already and its only 9 am. So at least that part of my goal is starting! More later.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

And so it begins

Ok so here it goes ladies and gents. The beginning of my rambles and goals and everything no one wants to here about. I'm not sure where this blog will go honestly, but when I ran across the bloggers website it just felt like the right thing to do. So I did it. We will have to watch to see what shapes and forms this little space takes on but for now I think I will just ramble. It seems right.

Days. Thats all thats left of 2009. Another year come and gone and while its been a fun one, I feel like there may be a little room for improvement for the new year. So 2010 will be considered the year of goals for me... a year of dreams if you will. 

While carrying on my normal life (40 hour work week and 9 credit hours of school), I would like to set some goals:

First goal: To remember not only that I have this blog, but to remember to update it. Im not expecting anyone to read this, in fact I would be amazed if someone did, but I am expecting to keep track of my daily (Ok realistically weekly) activities and progressions

Second goal
: To religiously follow my planned Wii Fit workout.  Ten pounds in 8 weeks. I think I'm crazy. Not once has a plan like this worked for me, but we will try.  I plan on starting small, using the fit everyday, increasing my water intake by at least two bottles a day, and trying to avoid skipping breakfast. Slight problem with this. I do not have the Wii Fit yet.....!! Yes I know that seems like it most be a foundation to such a plan, but Im working on it. So lets amend this.

New Second goal: Purchase WII Fit

Third goal: See Second goal original.

Fourth goal: Do awesome in my classes. I get that this is rather vague, but I am pursuing a second bachelors degree a BSBA in Marketing. And I want to get as much out of it as possible. I plan on getting A's but I do not want to curse anything just yet by specifying.

And finally,

Fifth goal: To get out more and try new things and explore new places. I think this may be one of the easier things to. I have a wonderful boyfriend who is more than willing (bless his heart) to indulge my randomness by going along with most of my hair-brain schemes so this should be interesting and fairly easy to accomplish.

Five is a good number so for now I'll stop there.  There will be more goals added and others subtracted as they are accomplished, but a girls got to have a starting point. So here we go!

P.S. Wii Fit shopping tonight. We will see how it goes.